KLOUD Support Clips Channel
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Last Update | 19/06/2023 |
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Only authorized personnel should access the GPS tracking system. If your password was compromised, be sure to change or recover it. Here's how to do it.
FiOS Tutorials
View allOnly authorized personnel should access the GPS tracking system. If your password was compromised, be sure to change or recover it. Here's how to do it.
All about MINImaps for the BIG FiOS system. Here are just a few things you can do with minimaps, and the video shows you how:
- To track a particular vehicle in a minimap?
- To create minimaps to follow multiple cars?
- To watch a video from vehicle cameras in a minimap window?
- To to monitor advanced vehicle parameters in a minimap?
- To to enjoy Google Street View on the minimap?
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To start tracking vehicles you need to add them to the worklist. See how to do it manually and automatically in the FiOS fleet management system. Plus, learn to quickly clear your monitoring list without deleting units from the system.
HAZER Tutorials
View allHAZER is the IoT platform to monitor any number of sensors on one screen. The screen is called Dashboard. You can create any number of Dashboards for each facility, room, vehicle, or group of moving and stationary assets.
This video explains how to organize your Dashboard to monitor sensors with maximum convenience.
1. How to switch to expanded view?
2. How to resize Dashboards?
3. How to hide and view hidden Dashboards?
4. How to search for the needed Dashboard?
5. How to enter a detailed Dashboard view?
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HAZER is the IoT platform to manage vehicles and buildings through sensors and other IoT devices. You can monitor sensor values online and view detailed real-time analytics on special Dashboards.
Insights Dashboards show analytics based on data from IoT devices – electricity, water, gas, fuel, temperature, humidity, vibration, g-values, and any sensors you can imagine – in the form of graphs and pie charts.
This video explains how to create the Insights Dashboard and elaborates on each parameter you will need to configure it. The tutorial is based on real-life HAZER use-cases.
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HAZER is the IoT platform to monitor sensors installed in buildings and vehicles. Users can access the solution from anywhere on their laptops and smartphones. Managers can track what users do in HAZER.
This video explains how to view user logs, including:
- Login time and IP address.
- Activities in the system, like creating sensors, viewing notifications, and sharing Dashboards with other users.
This way you can see which tasks the users performed throughout the day.
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EPORT Tutorials
View allEPORT is the software for 3PL service providers. It allows managing carriers, customers, drivers, cargo on a single screen. This video features 3PL KPI Dashboards, including:
1. How to access the Dashboard?
2. How to filter KPIs by a client, vehicle, operation, etc.?
3. How to compare KPIs for different periods?
4. How to view order statistics: unassigned, total, delivered, in transit, canceled, etc.?
5. How to manage 3PL costs?
Need more information? Request a live demo on https://www.kloudip.com/eport.
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EPORT is the platform for 3PL service providers. It allows logistics companies, their clients, carriers, and drivers to interact within a single interface.
In EPORT, the clients are called “Parties.” A Party – a manufacturer, supermarket chain, etc. – can have multiple addresses, like separate shops, factories, warehouses.
This video explains how to add multiple addresses for a single Party.
Need more information? Request a live demo on https://www.kloudip.com/eport.
Check out other tutorials on our eLearning portal:
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EPORT is the platform for third-party logistics companies, where they can manage every 3PL process and element, including fleets, carriers, customers, transportation orders, and billing. This video explains how to manage trips in EPORT, including:
- How to track the location of transport vehicles?
- How to update trip statuses – approved, loading, departed, etc. – both manually and automatically?
- How to add customer digital signatures?
- How to analyze and edit trip details after it’s finalized?
Need more information? Request a live demo via the website chat in the lower right corner.
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GOFER Tutorials
View allGOFER is the platform for corporate transport management. It enables one-click car booking, digitalized transport request management, and company car usage analytics, and much more.
GOFER mobile app was designed for drivers to communicate with passengers, managers, and track earnings. This video explains how to:
- View requested trips
- Accept or reject requests
- Navigate to the delivery or pickup points via Google Maps
- Start or finish the ride
- Track earnings
- View trip history and statistics
Need more information? Request a live demo on https://www.kloudip.com/gofer.
Check out other tutorials on our eLearning portal:
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GOFER is an Uber-like platform designed to manage company transport and business rides remotely. The solution comprises a web interface and mobile apps for drivers, dispatchers, and managers.
This video explains how to use the mobile app for drivers:
✅ Log in to the app;
✅ View driver profile, trip requests, and earnings;
✅ Receive new requests from employees;
✅ View routes to the destination;
✅ Communicate with passengers and rate them at the end of the trip;
✅ Confirm or reject trips;
✅ Change trip statuses – waiting for a passenger, on the way, etc.;
✅ Log additional expenses, like highway tickets or emergency maintenance;
✅ Track driver earnings for any period.
Let us know if you want to make a company car booking as simple as requesting a taxi. We’ll schedule a free trial for your company:
Need more information? Request a live demo on https://www.kloudip.com/gofer
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GOFER is an Uber-like software serving corporate fleets. It simplifies company car management and enhances fleet utilization rate.
- Simple car booking
- Fleet efficiency analytics
- Payment and expense management
- Employee monitoring
This video explains how to generate reports on your business rides, including:
- Reports on all vehicle requests – completed, canceled, abandoned
- Analytics for certain time intervals
- Detailed configuration of reports
Need more information? Request a live demo via the chat in the lower right corner.
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